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When is the right time for
my birth-preparation-course?

The best time to complete your birth-preparation is 2-8 weeks prior to your expected date of delivery, and we recommend scheduling your course accordingly. If you begin your course too early, you may have forgotten many important things until delivery. Therefore, we suggest participating in a course together with your partner (Couples' Courses) or select a course in which your partner or a friend can at least join for one session (Supplemental Evening). Then whoever accompanies you into delivery can remind you of breathing right and support you.

Sometimes there are special circumstances, and it makes sense to chose an earlier course, e.g. if you are planning on moving to another city or if you are expecting twins. During a twin pregnancy you should complete birth-preparation 2 months prior to the expected date of delivery.

Many expecting mothers can only make time for a birth-preparation-course once their maternity protection begins, and are anxious their baby may be born before the course finishes. But if you plan your course with at least a 2-weeks-gap before your expected date of delivery, you should be fine in most cases. It is rare that a baby comes more than 10 days early. But do remember that many women become less agile towards the end of their pregnancy. If you are booking a Weekend Course (with your partner), it should be at least 3 weeks prior to your expected date of delivery. Please remember that many of our courses are eventually booked out. Registering for a course in your 18th week of pregnancy isn't too early at all! Still: in some courses we may be able to offer you a spot at short notice (Women's Course, Refresher Course).


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